
We always pursue newness while preserving tradition, with tastes and seasonal flavors that change with the seasons. We also strive to create dishes that carefully showcase each and every dish of the day, focusing on the freshest, most seasonal, and remaining produce from the Setouchi Inland Sea.
Ryokan Kurashiki Head Chef


We are in the process of preparing.

This content is currently under preparation. Please wait for a while, as we will release them as soon as they are ready for publication.

Summer cuisine

Starting with seasonal vegetables, we offer a nourishing and gorgeous seasonal taste.

The meal venue is a restaurant. You can specify a start time from 18:00 to 20:00.

  • Depending on your accommodation plan, meals may be served at a restaurant.

Menu example

Aperitif plum liquor
Seasonal appetizer SASA-SUSHI/ wrapped with a bamboo leaf of sweetfish
Boiled octopus, tomato and soaked okra topped with unrefined MISO
SAKE boiled turban shell, soaked asuparagus and soaked celery mixed with SHIOKOJI / salt-malted rice
Simmered conger eel with Japanese pepper Soaked ginkgo nut
Deep-fried Indian perch marinated in vinegary sauce
Soup Red pumpkin potage mixed with soy milk and white MISO
Sesame TOFU / Boiled green soybean / Grated YUZU rind
SASHIMI Matsubara's red rockfish, harvest fish and cutlass fish
Hot pot dish Seasonal SHABU SHABU in broth with shredded Japanese ginger/Pike conger / Fried eggplant
Grilled dish Grilled Local beef sirloine/Soaked asparagus
Vinegary dish Boiled swimming crab, soaked Indian spinach and boiled red konjak covered with lemon flavored jelly
Cooked rice Boiled local rice KINUMUSUME with corn / MISO soup
Desert White peech / Shine muscat / Pione
  • If you have any likes, dislikes, or allergies, please let us know.
  • Please note that the menu contents and bowls may change slightly depending on the ingredients of the day.

Dinner upgrade

Pike conger Kaiseki
Pike conger is characterized by its delicate texture and light flavor. This is a kaiseki meal where you can enjoy pike conger in soup, hotpot, deep-fried dishes, and vinegared dishes. A total of 8 items.
Octopus Kaiseki
This is a kaiseki meal made with Shimotsui octopus, which can be enjoyed with shabu-shabu, fried chicken, and rice. A total of 8 items.
Local Wagyu beef course (all year round)
This is a course meal where you can enjoy Wagyu beef from Okayama prefecture in a hotpot or grilled dish. A total of 6 items.
Sushi course (all year round)
This is a course meal where you can enjoy 10 types of seasonal seafood as sushi. A total of 6 items.
  • All prices include consumption tax (10%), service charge (15%) not included.

A la carte

Local Wagyu beef and fresh ginger hotpot
Shabu-Shabu made with Local Wagyu beef from Okayama prefecture and shredded fresh ginger.
Grilled Wagyu beef loin and fillet from the prefecture
Enjoy the loin and fillet of Wagyu beef from Okayama Prefecture with 3 kinds of special sauces.
  • All prices include consumption tax (10%), service charge (15%) not included.


食前酒 山葡萄のお酒
御旬菜 柿釜にて 柿 粟麩 胡麻だれ
かます焼霜 梅肉醤油
ままかり手毬寿司 千枚蕪
耳烏賊 炭煮
青唐 銀杏松葉差し
蓮根煎餅 公孫樹薩摩芋
御椀物 土瓶蒸し
鱧葛打ち 松茸 三つ葉 酢橘
御造り 石垣鯛 縞鯵 太刀魚 妻一献
御温物 鰤旨煮 海老芋 青梗菜
茸餡 生姜 柚子
御焼物 炭火焼にて 敷朴葉
県産和牛ロース 針白葱 むかご 百合根
御酢肴 渡り蟹 檸檬ジュレ掛け
法蓮草 菊 とんぶり
御飯物 県産米きぬむすめ 紅葉鯛 釜飯茶漬け
御水菓子 紫苑 シャインマスカット
  • If you have any likes, dislikes, or allergies, please let us know.
  • Please note that the menu contents and bowls may change slightly depending on the ingredients of the day.
  • The meal venue is a restaurant. You can specify a start time from 18:00 to 20:00.
    Depending on your accommodation plan, meals may be served at a restaurant.


鯛懐石 追加お一人様 5,000円
鰆懐石 追加お一人様 5,000円
  • All prices include consumption tax (10%), service charge (15%) not included.


食前酒 柚子のお酒
御旬菜 柚子釜 耳烏賊酢味噌
かます 梅醤油
煮穴子 菜の花胡麻浸し
御椀物 白味噌仕立て
海老おぼろ 海老芋 金時人参 柚子
御造り 鯒薄造り 鰆 石鯛 妻一献
御鍋物 鯛しゃぶ 柚香蕪仕立て
菊菜 かんずり
御焼物 県産和牛サーロイン 胡麻醤油麹
ブロッコリーニ 針白葱 針生姜
御酢肴 渡り蟹 法蓮草 赤蒟蒻
御飯物 県産米きぬむすめ 牡蠣釜飯茶漬け
御水菓子 柿アイス 小蜜林檎 苺
  • If you have any likes, dislikes, or allergies, please let us know.
  • Please note that the menu contents and bowls may change slightly depending on the ingredients of the day.
  • The meal venue is a restaurant. You can specify a start time from 18:00 to 20:00.
    Depending on your accommodation plan, meals may be served at a restaurant.


牡蠣鍋懐石 追加お一人様 5,000円
  • All prices include consumption tax (10%), service charge (15%) not included.


Start your day with a variety of colorful side dishes and freshly baked soup stock rolls. You can enjoy it with rice cooked in a clay pot. The meal venue is a restaurant.

You can specify a start time between 7:30 and 9:00. Western breakfast can also be prepared. Please let us know in advance if you are interested.

Local sake

Mannenyuki (180ml:1 Go)990yen
Kihei (Junmai Dai Ginjo) (180ml:1 Go)1,980yen
Kurashikigawa Nagareru Mamani (180ml:1 Go)1,320yen
Arabashiri (Junmai) (180ml:1 Go)1,925yen
Arabashiri Light (250ml)1,650yen
Sanzen (Junmai Dai Ginjo) (180ml:1 Go)2,310yen
Morita Dai Ginjo (Dai Ginjo) (500ml)4,950yen
Kiseki no sake (Junmai Dai Ginjo) (180ml:1 Go)2,750yen
Morita Dai Ginjo Premium (Dai Ginjo) (500ml)7,700yen
Shizuku (Dai Ginjo) (180ml:1 Go)3,850yen
9「NINE」 (Junmai) (500ml)4,400yen
Chikurin Karoyaka (Junmai Dai Ginjo) (180ml:1 Go)1,650yen
OGANIC Chikurin (Junmai Ginjo) (180ml:1 Go)2,310yen
  • We also have beer, shochu, wine, champagne, and soft drinks.
  • All prices include consumption tax (10%), service charge (15%) not included.